Journal of Christian Ministry | 2011 – Editorial Team

2011 – Editorial Team

2011 – Editorial Team

The 2011 Editorial Board of the The Journal of Christian Ministry.

“The following people have volunteered their expertise to help the ADME constituency make a greater scholarly contribution to the church of Jesus Christ.”

J. Kent Edwards is the founding and General Editor of The Journal of Christian Ministry. He serves as Professor of Preaching & Leadership and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Talbot School of Theology. He has written two award-winning books, Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching (Zondervan, 2005) and Deep Preaching (B&H Academic, 2009).

Martin Crain is Director of Professional Doctoral Programs and Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. Prior to coming to Trinity, Dr. Crain served nine years as district superintendent of the New England district of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA).

David Jones is the Director of Doctor of Ministry Program at Austin Presbyterian Seminary. Dr. Jones has over 21 years of pastoral experience. He graduated from Candler School of Theology at Emory University, and wrote a dissertation entitled “Embracing the Lost Sheep: Creating a Parish-Based Counseling Ministry for those Wounded by Problem Drinking.”

Barbara Mutch is the Vice-President Academic, Charles Bentall Professor of Pastoral Studies and the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Carey Theological College. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Barbara’s Doctor of Ministry thesis project focused on discovering images of God that enable sexually abused women to pray.

Nancy Claire Pittman is Associate Professor of the Practice of Ministry and Director of D.Min program at Phillips Theological Seminary. A New Testament scholar, Dr. Pittman earned a Ph.D. from Southern Methodist University. She previously served as Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at Tainan Theological College and Seminary, in Taiwan.

Mark Tolbert is the Director, Doctor of Ministry Program and the Associate Professor of Evangelism and Pastoral Ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana.
