DMIN programs are unique in their intended balance between head, hands, and heart – intellectual growth, skill enhancement, and character development. Maintaining this balance is challenging. ...
The Pew Research Center summarized its findings about Latinos and the transformation of American religion saying that "understanding religious faith among Latinos is essential to understanding the future of this population as well as the evolving nature of religion in the United States."...
A naked man wandered into a worship service. One of our students, the church’s associate pastor, had to diagnose and respond to this awkward situation....
Social science research can be said to involve spiritual discernment and the performance of the prophetic gift. However, is there a biblical basis for research since faith in God supersedes human wisdom?...
Pastoral burnout, blowup, and dropout is an alarming issue in contemporary ministry. The longitudinal study that the researcher is reporting on has covered twenty years of a journey exploring the dynamics of this issue....
Given the mission of Doctor of Ministry programs to develop theologically reflective practitioners, Dyrness’s book provides an excellent resource for encouraging students to consider fresh theological perspectives on God’s activity in a pluralistic world....
What kinds of projects are DMin students doing at schools represented by ADME? We are introducing a new feature in The Journal of Christian Ministry in which directors of DMin programs nominate the best project completed at their schools in the last year. ...