24 Mar The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have To Preach – Book Review
Cancer. Suicide. The death of a child. As much as we wish we could avoid tragedies like these, eventually they will strike our church communities....
Cancer. Suicide. The death of a child. As much as we wish we could avoid tragedies like these, eventually they will strike our church communities....
Stanley P. Saunders, Associate Professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, has written a helpful exegetical/homiletical commentary for those who want to preach from Matthew’s Gospel....
When Jesus returns to this earth, he will receive a church that is “without spot, wrinkle, or blemish (Eph. 5:27), and that church is dynamically multicultural, multiracial, and subsequently, multidimensional....
2013 recipient of 'The Journal of Christian Ministry Award of Excellence' for outstanding thesis-project...
With a plethora of books available on leadership in today's market, this book on leadership makes a great contribution to the literature on the subject because its focus is more on the leader than leadership....
Who should serve the church as elders and deacons? And what are the essential elements of their job descriptions? These are the two basic questions that Thabiti Anyabwile seeks to answer in his book Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons....
Out of her experience with the Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity and the Purity of the Church of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2001-2006, Frances Taylor Gench has written a book about listening to conflicts within scripture while attending to various forms of disagreement...
Brandon O’Brien challenges the prevailing image of a successful Christian local church....
When looking at the existing literature on the subject of science, and specifically on creation, one will find a wide range of experts writing from their perspectives....
The term “pastoral ethnography” describes the intentional use of ethnographic methods—such as participant observation, qualitative interviews, focus groups, and the study of demographics and documentary evidence—as a form of pastoral care....