Journal of Christian Ministry | In Memory of David A. Thommen

In Memory of David A. Thommen

In Memory of David A. Thommen

 [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Welcome to ADME 2020

Remembering David A. Thommen, Associate Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program, Western Seminary  

On Tuesday, January 14, 2020 David A. Thommen, Associate Director of Western Seminary’s DMin program unexpectedly passed away at the age of 49. Earlier that day he led one of our ADME peer group meetings.

David championed Western Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program for six years (2014-2020). He also served as Executive Pastor at Trinity Church of Portland, Oregon (2014-2016). David is remembered as a Christ-like, servant-leader who shepherded those to entrusted to his care.

Dr. Ellen Marmon, DMin Director, Asbury Theological Seminary reflects, “Having just met David last year through our ADME peer group, I was struck by his buoyant spirit and his commitment to his students. He initiated our meetings and collaborated with our group to choose relevant topics for discussion. More than once a student of his would pop into our Zoom call, because he was scheduled immediately after our conversation; it was clear that he served them as a respected and beloved mentor.”

David was a loving husband to his wife, Karla, and their three children Lyndsey, Tyler, and Kyle. He also had a passion and great skill in martial arts.

We thank God for David’s life and the legacy of excellence he displayed in DMin education.

–Scott Barfoot is the vice president of ADME and the director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Dallas Theological Seminary.
