02 Apr 2020: Hospitable Learning Spaces
Creating a climate where students can contribute to, and benefit from, the DMin relational factor....
Creating a climate where students can contribute to, and benefit from, the DMin relational factor....
The Pew Research Center summarized its findings about Latinos and the transformation of American religion saying that "understanding religious faith among Latinos is essential to understanding the future of this population as well as the evolving nature of religion in the United States."...
What kinds of projects are DMin students doing at schools represented by ADME? We are introducing a new feature in The Journal of Christian Ministry in which directors of DMin programs nominate the best project completed at their schools in the last year. ...
When Jesus returns to this earth, he will receive a church that is “without spot, wrinkle, or blemish (Eph. 5:27), and that church is dynamically multicultural, multiracial, and subsequently, multidimensional....
Joseph Barndt addresses racism in the Christian Church head on. He firmly declares that racism exists in the church as it does in society, and that the church cannot confront this evil in society until it is eliminated in the church....
Although organized topically, with each chapter titled after a specific practice of ministry, Go Grow Your Church! is written as a narrative, covering the experience of Rev. James F. Miller from the time he began his pastorate at DuPage African Methodist Episcopal Church in DuPage...
Adapted from lectures on Multiculturalism delivered to the Association for Doctor of Ministry Education (ADME) September 2010...