Journal of Christian Ministry | Leadership


Jason A. Miller, PhD: When it comes to pastoral leaders, Christian culture has often expected them to be beneath pride and above shame, serving as the anchor of spiritual well-being for the congregant; without giving much consideration to the pastor’s own self-perceptions and experiences of...

Jason Ballard, PhD Student: In Leading at a Higher Level, by Ken Blanchard, the author defines the process of leading at a higher level as “the process of achieving worthwhile results while acting with respect, care, and fairness for the well-being of all involved” (xxiv)....

Missional Leadership Formation: Reframing the Doctor of Ministry Degree Steve Cloer, DMin Assistant Professor of Ministry/Director of DMin Program Harding School of Theology Since the 1970s, seminaries in North America have been offering a professional doctorate degree called the Doctor of Ministry, or DMin.  The degree was created as a...