Not Ashamed of the Gospel
This paper argues that conversion is best construed as the willingness of a convert to endure shame for the sake of identifying publicly...
The Journal of Christian Ministry (JCM) (ISSN 3065-2596) is an annual publication of The Association for Doctor of Ministry Education (ADME). The purpose of this journal is to encourage theological reflection regarding the training for and practice of Christian ministry at the highest level. While recognizing and appreciating the religious diversity that exists across the globe, this journal, as its name implies, recognizes the fundamental uniqueness of Jesus Christ.
This paper argues that conversion is best construed as the willingness of a convert to endure shame for the sake of identifying publicly...
Cancer. Suicide. The death of a child. As much as we wish we could avoid tragedies like these, eventually they will strike our...
Stanley P. Saunders, Associate Professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, has written a helpful exegetical/homiletical commentary for those who want to...
When Jesus returns to this earth, he will receive a church that is “without spot, wrinkle, or blemish (Eph. 5:27), and that church...
2013 recipient of 'The Journal of Christian Ministry Award of Excellence' for outstanding thesis-project...
With a plethora of books available on leadership in today's market, this book on leadership makes a great contribution to the literature on...
This book might just as well be titled, 'Almost Everything You Need to Know About Church Administration.'...
Who should serve the church as elders and deacons? And what are the essential elements of their job descriptions? These are the two...