Journal of Christian Ministry | Association for Doctor of Ministry Education




The Journal of Christian Ministry


The Journal of Christian Ministry (JCM) (ISSN 3065-2596) is an annual publication of The Association for Doctor of Ministry Education (ADME). The purpose of this journal is to encourage theological reflection regarding the training for and practice of Christian ministry at the highest level. While recognizing and appreciating the religious diversity that exists across the globe, this journal, as its name implies, recognizes the fundamental uniqueness of Jesus Christ.



Given the mission of Doctor of Ministry programs to develop theologically reflective practitioners, Dyrness’s book provides an excellent resource for encouraging students to...

From its earliest days, the Church has struggled to be in the world but not of it.  Controversies in Rome and Corinth over...

“Insider movements” are a growing phenomenon in the 10/40 window of Africa and Asia. These movements are groups of Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists...