Journal of Christian Ministry | Spirituality


Jason A. Miller, PhD: When it comes to pastoral leaders, Christian culture has often expected them to be beneath pride and above shame, serving as the anchor of spiritual well-being for the congregant; without giving much consideration to the pastor’s own self-perceptions and experiences of...

Research as Discipleship: Spiritual Formation as the Reason for Professional Doctoral Studies Lee Beach, PhD Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Director of Ministry Formation McMaster Divinity College Introduction In my supervisory work with doctoral students I always ask them the first time we meet, “why are you doing a doctoral degree?”...

Doing What You Love: A Christian Critique of Work, Passion, and Contentment Dr. Mark Wm Cawman Associate Professor Azusa Pacific University | School of Business and Management and Dr. Todd Pheifer Associate Professor Azusa Pacific University | School of Business and Management ABSTRACT The popular mantra or philosophy of “do what makes you happy”...